Rachel Vera Steinberg is a participant in EFA's 2013 Residency for Arts Workers as Artists. In addition to her art practice, Rachel is the organizer and curator of Videorover at NURTUREart Gallery, where she is also the Assistant Director. She is an active member and co-organizer of Trade School New York. She also works as the Assistant Registrar at Museum of Arts and Design.
We have already told you about the residents' professional lives here, so we decided to get a little more personal. To learn a little more about them in and outside of the studio we have asked our residents to respond to questions. Here are Rachel's answers...
PS: What are you working on now?
RS: I've been working very schizophrenically - experimenting with some simple book projects, exploring the objects in the studio and working on a video project.
PS: What is your experience so far?
RS: It has been very strange to have so much time to myself, but great for allowing all of the ideas that have been in the back of my mind to come forward. I am experimenting with working and thinking more impulsively instead of overly planning projects.
PS: If a celebrity were to play you in a movie, who would it be?
RS: Definitely Whoopi Goldberg.
PS: Tips on staying focused?
RS: Kill the internet!
PS: If you COULDN’T work in the arts/be an artist, what kind of work would you do?
RS: This is a really impulsive answer, but I've been very inspired recently by the work of this group called UnLocal, who are volunteer lawyers for immigrant rights -- I would want to explore social activism through law.
PS: If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?
RS: Yvonne Rainier, Sarah Sze, Cher or Vaginal Davis.
PS: What is your favorite NYC spot?
RS:This is a really hard one... I like the Max Neuhaus sound installation in Times Square a lot..
PS: If you could have personally witnessed any event in history, what would you want to have seen?
RS: Does this have to be a specific event? I would have liked to see what my mom was like as a child. I will have to think about this question more.
PS: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
RS: Glad that dream is over.
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