

Wednesday, April 21
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Please join us for an informal talk and demo on Foil Printing with Ana Golici. Showing work by many artists, including herself, Ana will discuss the various results that can be achieved when foil is combined with digital and traditional printmaking techniques. Participants will have the opportunity to experiment the process and play with the new and intriguing Foil Printing technique. Golici is a longtime member and instructor at RBPMW and will teach the exciting new process of Foil Printing at RBPMW in a weekend long class, on May 8th & 9th.

How Foil Printing Began: In 1983 Professor Virginia A. Myers (an American artist and inventor) began researching the use of gold leaf and foil in the printmaking process. During this process she invented the Iowa Foil Press, a device that allows individual artists to incorporate foil stamping into their work. Myers worked in conjunction with community members and students to improve and document the printmaking process of foil stamping using the Iowa Foil Press, and collectively produced a book, “Foil Imaging...A New Art Form.” As of 2010, Professor Virginia A. Myers continues to teach printmaking at the University of Iowa printmaking studios, where she and her students are developing and perfecting hot-stamped foil techniques to create both editionable and unique prints.

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