


...and counting
a performance by Wafaa Bilal
March 8, 8 pm - March 9, 8 pm

Live feed of performance:

Stop by Blackburn 20|20 from 6 - 8 pm tonight, to watch the end of Wafaa Bilal 24 hour performance '...and counting.' Bilal's back has been tattooed with a borderless map of Iraq and is being covered with one dot for each Iraqi and American casualty near the cities where they fell. The 5,000 dead American soldiers are represented by red dots, permanent visible ink, and the 100,000 Iraqi casualties are represented by dots of green UV ink, seemingly invisible unless under black light.

Bilal has partnered with Rally for Iraq* to raise funds that will help educate the youth of Iraq. They have set a goal to raise one dollar per dot tattooed on Bilal's back. We hope you will take the time to forward this email, which includes a link to a live feed of the performance below, to your community and help Bilal and Rally for Iraq with their noble goal.


*Rally for Iraq is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, founded and operated by a group of Iraqi-American volunteers and their friends.  Their goal is to offer opportunities that will help educate the youth of Iraq so that they have the skills to contribute to the reconstruction of their homeland.

 ... and counting is part of


March 8-April 2, 2010

Opening: Tues, March 9, 6-8pm

Artists Tim Klimowicz, Freya Powell, and Wafaa Bilal approach the human cost of war from three unique vantage points. Klimowicz's work addresses mass multimedia, by beautifully abstracting the sobering sort of game that the Iraq war has become for many Americans. Powell takes it a step closer with work derived from direct correspondence with a childhood friend serving in Iraq, while Bilal's work takes the most personal form by literally marking the deaths of his fellow countrymen, both Iraqi and American, in the medium of tattoo on his own back.

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