
Thank You!


We would like to send a special thank you to all the participants in the Residency for Arts Workers as Artists 2013. This year’s residents include artists working with the Bronx Museum, the International Center for Photography, Elastic City, NURTUREart, StudioLab, the Henry Street Settlement, and freeDimensional.

Current Residents 2013/14
Residency for Arts Workers as Artist Tumblr



Resident Spotlight 2013: Todd Shalom 

Todd is a participant in EFA's 2013 Residency for Arts Workers as Artists. In addition to his art practice, Todd is the founder and director of Elastic City

We have already told you about the residents' professional lives here, so we decided to get a little more personal. To learn a little more about them in and outside of the studio we have asked our residents to respond to questions. Here are Todd's answers...

PS: What are you working on now?

TS: I'm working on sculptures. I've only been at this for a little under a year. Often on walks that I lead, I ask participants to create a visual poem. They collect objects and then place them down in relation to other objects in a set frame (i.e. the sidewalk), and then we make edits. I decided to expand upon this work by looking more closely at objects and putting them together into sculptures to be shown in a more formal setting. To me, each sculpture has a story and functions like a poem.

PS: What is your experience so far? 

TS: It's been wonderful. EFA Project Space has provided a great space and community through which to make and share my work.

PS: Tips on staying focused?

TS: Coffee

PS: Preferred mode of transportation?

TS: Walking



Sidd is a participant in EFA's 2013 Residency for Arts Workers as Artists. In addition to his art practice, Sidd is the current director of freeDimensional.

We have already told you about the residents' professional lives here, so we decided to get a little more personal. To learn a little more about them in and outside of the studio we have asked our residents to respond to questions. Here are Sidd's answers...


PS: What are you working on now?

SJ: An installation that plays with the form and function of a stupa as a sacred space for meditation, and mediation of the dissociative effects of time and space compression. 

PS: What is your experience so far?

SJ: It's been fantastic, but definitely not long enough. The freedom and support provided made it possible for me to move beyond the expectation to produce to enjoying the contemplative process in sorting through ideas and images.

PS: If a celebrity were to play you in a movie, who would it be?

SJ: Cate Blanchett.

PS: Tips on staying focused?

SJ: Have a plan, but let instinct guide.

PS: If you COULDN’T work in the arts/be an artist, what kind of work would you do?

SJ: Surfer.

PS: If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?

SJ: Kandinsky or Pearl Jam.

PS: What is your favorite NYC spot?

SJ: Rooftops.

PS: If you could have personally witnessed any event in history, what would you want to have seen?

SJ: The building of the pyramids or George W. getting a shoe thrown at him.


Resident Spotlight 2013: Hatuey Ramos-Fermin

Hatuey Ramos-Fermin is a participant in EFA's 2013 Residency for Arts Workers as Artists. In addition to his art practice, Hatuey is the Media Lab Manager-Coordinator for the Teen Council Program at the Bronx Museum and the Programs Manager at The Bronx River Art Center.

We have already told you about the residents' professional lives here, so we decided to get a little more personal. To learn a little more about them in and outside of the studio we have asked our residents to respond to questions. Here are Hatuey's answers...


PS: What are you working on now?

HRF: I am working on 2 projects. One is editing a podcast episode from a series that I started a couple of years. It is basically conversations about art and culture and finally I got a chance to edit the second episode of the series.

The other thing I'm working on is an exploration of ideas about flags, mapping and geography.

PS: What is your experience so far?

HRF: It has been a great experience to have the chance to have a space to work and making the time to be in the studio, while slowly getting to know everyone and learn from their processes since all of us work in very different ways. 

PS: Preferred mode of transportation?

HRF: Folding bicycle, walking and public transportation!

PS: What are your creative inspirations?

HRF: It changes all the time but I can say that the city and my immediate surroundings. I really appreciate when I encounter people's own creative interventions in public spaces, like when street vendors occupy the streets and invent their own carts for example or when I see improvised chairs under a tree with milk crates.

PS: If you could have personally witnessed any event in history, what would you want to have seen? 

HRF: The invention of the film camera and the projection of the first film to the public.


Check out Hatuey's website for more about him and his work.


Weekly Gatherings and Feedback at Residency for Art Workers as Artists

On Friday August 9th, the residents of EFA Project Space's Artists as Art Workers Residency gathered for an evening of discussion and feedback. The residents took turn talking about the different projects they have all embarked on. Residents discussed different approaches to process as well as showed each other their works in progress. The weekly meetings allow for the residents to gather in a 'semi-formal' way and share concerns, ideas, critics, and inspirations. Take a look at some pictures of the residents presenting their on-going works!